At first glance, you might be forgiven for thinking Kelly Perkins is an unassuming Real Estate Agent. A humble nature and unpretentious demeanor, conceal what exists beneath … What endures inside! Kelly’s story is as remarkable as it is inspiring. Kelly’s journey consists of both challenges and conquests. It is this very journey however, that has forged the lady you are about to meet.
In 1995, at the tender age of 34, Kelly was told she needed a heart transplant. Kelly’s world was rocked. With true determination and an unquenchable passion for life, Kelly was destined to persist and prevail …Kelly was blessed to undergo a successful heart transplant, and with a genuine sense of gratitude, felt obligated to promote awareness about the need for organ donation.
Going on to set World Records, as the first heart recipient to conquer renowned mountains across the globe, Kelly has inspired thousands to perform at their best and live life to the full. In her book ‘The Climb of my Life’, Kelly chronicles her story, her lessons and the philosophies that lead to her ongoing success. Kelly has been invited to speak at events across the United States and Europe, where she consistently meets with standing ovations.
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Kelly naturally applies her winning attributes to everything she does. Passionate about life, climbing and Real Estate, Kelly is taking ‘Real Estate Representation’ to new heights. Kelly understands the need for correct planning, the best approach, a positive mindset and dependable work ethic. The value Kelly brings to the local market is both unique and significant. You could say; Kelly puts the Heart back into Real Estate…
As an individual, I simply consider myself a good living, resilient and hardworking woman. As a professional, I represent so much more…
I was once told that it is important for ‘me’ to know my worth. It is equally important for my clients to understand my ‘value proposition’. As I am sure you will agree, Real Estate is an overcrowded market. So, from a business and marketing perspective, it is essential I express and convey who I am as both a person and professional. As a prospective client, you have a right to know.
As my bio illustrates, my story is unique, and it has been challenging. My story is however, my blessing. I believe, I was given a second chance and am determined to ensure a life worth saving. A chance to live a life that may not have been. For this I am forever grateful. I vowed to never take life for granted or to waste a single day… I am Inspired… Inspired to live life to the fullest, inspired to do my best and ensure my being here makes a positive contribution.
Ironically, it was a heart transplant that compelled me to push myself harder and further. After my operation I was more determined than ever, to reach for new heights. I was determined to always perform at my best. Interestingly, the elements essential for peak performance whilst climbing mountains both figurative and metaphorically translate to successfully and effectively representing clients in the world of Real Estate….
I am here for you, I am Inspired to Perform, always.